Caring for Your Dental Veneers: Tips for Long-Lasting Results

Dental Veneers Jackson, MI

With dental veneers, a dentist can change the tooth’s size, color, and length by attaching these tiny porcelain pieces to its surface. Veneers are a popular solution for many cosmetic dental problems, including chipping, gaps, and discoloration. Although porcelain veneers are a sturdy and durable choice, they require proper maintenance to last long.

Tips for extending the lifespan of dental veneers

Dental veneers will last longer and look better if patients care for them correctly. The following are practical tips for long-lasting results:

Proper dental hygiene

Good oral hygiene is key to extending the life of dental veneers. Patients should brush their teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild, nonabrasive toothpaste. Proper flossing and brushing will prevent plaque from building up around the veneers and the gum line.

Limit staining foods and beverages

Like natural teeth, veneers are susceptible to discoloration from certain foods and drinks. It is advisable to limit the intake of coffee, tea, or red wine, and foods with rich pigment hues, such as berries. After consuming such meals, one should remember to rinse their mouth thoroughly with water. A good alternative is to use straws to prevent the beverage from coming into contact with the veneers.

Smoking causes discoloration of teeth and dental veneers in addition to the well-known health risks. Tar and nicotine have the potential to discolor teeth and veneers over time. Quitting smoking improves one’s oral health, which in turn improves the smile.

Visit the dentist regularly

Regular dental checkups are essential to maintaining the health and strength of the teeth and veneers. The general dentist will check the condition of the veneers, clean them thoroughly to remove stubborn plaque, and spot issues before they worsen. Patients should try to get an appointment at least once every six months, or more often based on the dentist’s suggestion.

Avoid stressing the teeth

Almost everyone has used their teeth to split nuts or open containers. Veneers, however, are just as susceptible to chipping and other damage as natural teeth. To avoid damaging the veneers, patients should use the correct tools to open bottles. Chewing on hard foods or substances can also damage the dental veneers.

Treat teeth grinding

Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding can cause headaches or a painful jaw. Clenching or grinding the teeth excessively can put patients at risk of severely damaging their veneers and natural teeth. It is important to discuss this issue with the dentist. They might recommend wearing a nightguard to protect the teeth and veneers during sleep.

Final note

Visit the dentist immediately if you notice any changes to your veneers, such as rough edges, increased sensitivity, or a change in look. You can keep minor problems from becoming worse and your veneers in good condition for longer with prompt dental assessment and treatment.

If you want your veneers to last as long as possible and keep your smile looking beautiful, you need to take proper care of them. To learn more about this treatment, schedule an appointment with our dental office.

Request an appointment here: or call Constance E. Smith DDS, PC at (517) 312-2115 for an appointment in our Jackson office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates in Jackson, MI.

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